A Writer’s New Year’s Resolutions 2017

New Years 2017It’s 2017. A new year. And you know what that means…. It’s time to make some New Year’s Resolutions!

The thing about me and New Year’s Resolutions, though? I tend to forget about them a few days after I make them.

That’s why this year, I’m posting my resolutions on this blog for all to see. At the end of the year, I’ll revisit the list. When I do, it will either be a celebration in which I congratulate myself on following through on all my promises, or a shamefaced apology in which I publicly kick myself for letting things slip. But it’s a new year and I’m feeling positive, so I’m betting on the celebration!

Here are my resolutions for 2017:

1. Write more books

This is the big one. If I accomplish nothing else on this list, I want to accomplish this one. My most recent book, Deadly Evidence, was published back in April 2016. I’m now preparing my next book for publication, and it’s already 2017. That’s a long time between books. I know you want the books to come out more frequently, and I want the same thing.

Can I produce more books, more quickly, at the same quality? I believe I can. So that’s my first and biggest resolution—publish more books, at least three in 2017.

2. Blog regularly

As you may have noticed, this blog doesn’t see a lot of updates. I think that’s a missed opportunity. A blog is a great tool for connecting with readers. I want to keep you informed about what I’m doing, and hopefully entertain and inform you. I think it would be great to provide a website that you enjoy visiting. Ideally on a regular basis—at least weekly.

I have a plan for this one, which I will reveal to you next week!

3. Get more active on social media

Facebook and Twitter. I have accounts on both of these social media networks, but I wouldn’t blame you for not noticing. During 2016, a Facebook update from me was about as common as a blue moon. Like the blog, social media is potentially a great tool for connecting with readers, and it’s a tool I haven’t really been using. That changes in 2017. This doesn’t mean I’m going to start creating my own memes and GIFs. (Although maybe I will. I enjoy a funny meme as much as the next guy.) Bottom line: I will get in the habit of posting on Facebook and Twitter.

Side Note: I fully intend to follow through on Resolutions 2 and 3. That said, the absolute best way to stay in touch with me is to join my free email newsletter. Newsletter readers are the first to hear about new releases and special offers, and they also receive exclusive material such as behind-the-scenes information about my books. I’ve got some secret stuff in the works, too, that you won’t want to miss out on. The newsletter is free, I won’t share your information with anyone, and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you’re already a subscriber, thank you!

If you’re not already on the list, please sign up here.

Okay, back to business. We’re up to Resolution number 4….

4. Break into audio

I love listening to audio books. I’ve heard that audio books are becoming increasingly popular. I am aware that, through Amazon’s company ACX, audiobooks are easier than ever to produce. Yet, none of my books exist in audio format. It’s time to rectify that. In 2017, I will get at least one audio book to market.

5. Exercise

Hey, it’s a list of New Year’s resolutions. This one’s mandatory, right? In all seriousness, though, I’m a writer and a corporate lawyer, and both jobs are very sedentary. I want to live a long time, see my kids grow up, and put out lots more books. That means I need to be healthy. And that means exercise. For 2017, I’ll start small: Walk for fifteen minutes every day.

Well, that’s my list of New Year’s Resolutions for 2017. Let me end this blog post by wishing everyone a happy New Year. I am grateful for every person who has read my work—I really appreciate it, and I consider you my friends. Let’s all have a 2017 filled with great times, great people, and great books!

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? Share them in the comments section below!

10 Comments on “A Writer’s New Year’s Resolutions 2017

  1. One of my goals is to read more of your books which means you have to keep your #1 Resolution!!. My other main goal is to walk at least 600 miles on the treadmill – enough to walk from my house back to Philly.

  2. I’ve enjoyed Burnout. This is a book I couldn’t put down. I have been searching for law novels that include courtroom scenes and office strategies, this is it! Thanks for the free copy or I might have never discovered Burnout. Ready to buy my next Larry Winters book, can you please tell me the titles of your books?

  3. I do need to exercise more, but honestly, I can not get into audio books. I guess I have a certain way in my head that the chartacters are suppose to sound, and having someone just read to me doesn’t cut it. One of my many little “control issues”. LOL

    • Hi Bev, I was once skeptical of audio books, but a long commute to my day job convinced me to give them a try. Now I love them. If an audio book really hooks me, I’ll actually look forward to the drive!

  4. Looking forward to the release of your next book so I’m holding you to one of your resolutions! I do enjoy walking and listening to audio books, when the chapter is really good, I’ll walk longer.